Saturday, April 11, 2009


Being a huge 24 fan and wanting to be Jack Bauer one day, I could not resist the opportunity to at least mention him and the show in this blog. There is a fascination with the heroics of Bauer. The guy does seem to save the day quite a bit. In fact, every hour he does something that is mind boggling. We are amazed by his abilities and activities and not so much by his personality or character. However, he is a fictional character and one day the show will come to an end and Jack will have to ride off into the sunset. I have spoken loosely about getting a t-shirt made that says, "I love Jesus and Jack." In all honesty tough, there are no comparisons.

Something funny happened on the way to planting a church. I have been blown away by how God continually shows up at just the right time. Not once have I have been worried about how God is going to fulfill His promises because worrying isn’t going to help the situation. So last week when it was confirmed that we were going to have to find a new place to hold services, I took it as another opportunity for God to be glorified in providing another space.

On Tuesday Jim Moran and I met with a local corporation about the possibility of renting some open space that they have available. The meeting went great and I am optimistic that we will be able to work out an agreement and contract. My faith in God would not have wavered if we were still searching for a location. My faith is rooted in who God is and NOT in what He does. As of this blog, I give God the praise for the open door that we’ve been able to knock on. If the door closes, I know that God is faithful and will complete this work that He began.

As far as week 24 goes, we are fast approaching the half way point. Beginning this month, the leadership team will begin meeting consistently. We will start discussing things like membership, assimilation, church polity, and systems. The reality is, we can set up Hamilton Village in a way that remains Biblical and yet has the flexibility to change methodologies to be the most effective. Our identity as a church is not tied to a style of worship, a program, or an event, but in Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Finally, as we celebrate Easter, may we be aware of those around us that need to experience the power of His resurrection. May they see His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness and understand that they are the beneficiaries of it all. May we all fall more deeply in love with the Father for who He is and not because of what He does.

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