Jim and Vicki Moran have been married for 22 years. Jim is from the great cheese state of Wisconsin while Vicki is a Hoosier through and through. Being from Packerland, Jim is a die hard Packers fan and misses Brett Favre. You will often find Vicki sitting somewhere knitting a scarf, blanket, or American flag. (Can you say Betsy Ross) When the weather is nice you can find them on their motorcycle finding mom and pop eateries to recommend to the rest of us!
Vicki has been a member of Northside her whole life. She has been a member for 43 years while serving in various areas. Jim has been a member for the last 21 years. Recently they have been serving in the student ministry with camps, mission trips, Sunday School, and hosting a small group on Monday nights. Jim and Vicki love the Lord wholeheartedly and want to see His Kingdom expand. They posses a servants heart and mind with an uncanny ability to roll up their sleeves to do whatever is necessary. It was with childlike faith that they decided to accept God’s invitation to join Him in Hamilton County. Their years of ministry experience at Northside will translate to a wealth of wisdom, knowledge, and insight for Hamilton Village as we look to have an impact in the community. They are looking forward to having a place of worship in Fishers where Truth and relationships intersect.
Jim and Vicki have two sons. Michael is a sophomore at Purdue and Scott is wrapping up his senior year of high school and following his brother to West Lafayette. Pray for the Moran family on Thursdays as God transitions them to a new season of ministry.
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