Last week you met the leadership foundation of Hamilton Village. We are extremely excited about what God has in store. Next week I will do our weekly update as well as an inside peek of Genesis Art Instruction and the owners, Kelvyn and Tami Thompson.
This week I would like us to think about Hamilton Village’s prospects. Who are they? I know some, you know some, we all know some! The point is there are a lot of people out there dealing with a lot of junk in their lives. This past week I had two conversations with people who are sifting through every thing and making sense of the hand they’ve been dealt. We’ve been dealing with junk our whole lives. Here’s proof.
When we were 14 weeks old and carefree, we were swimming in amniotic fluid. By this stage of life, we have already started processing our own waste and getting rid of it. Guess where it goes? Yep, the amniotic fluid. We’ve been swimming in our own waste for a very long time!
Although the content changes after birth, the concept is the same. We continually find ways to junk up our lives, with debt, unhealthy relationships, imbalanced schedules, bad choices, family feuds, and other temporary outlets. We have this void that we are trying to fill but are unsuccessful in finding the One thing that actually fits and works. We create our own filters to get rid of the junk or ways to lessen their effects. But in the end, it doesn’t matter, the junk is still there, haunting us, mocking us, and guilting us to try one more self-help remedy. Filter after filter we attempt to clean up our lives; only adding to the convoluted mess we’ve created.
Enter Jesus. Jesus is the solution. Jesus took the weight of the world’s sin (junk) upon His shoulders. The key to filtering the junk out of our lives rests on the empty cross and in the empty grave. Self-help remedies are no longer needed. Religion is no longer needed. Condemnation is no longer the verdict. Guilt is replaced by conviction. Identity is not defined by success or failures but through grace. Death is defeated and life is now restored. All because Jesus entered the scene and changed everything. Jesus brings peace to the chaotic, purpose to the wandering, and hope to the hopeless. He instills confidence, self-worth, and meaning when nothing else worked. Jesus is the answer. Filtering the junk through Jesus helps us see the big picture of who is in control and why we go through what we go through. He defines the junk rather than the junk defining us.
My prayer is that we will begin to identify those in and around our lives that are overwhelmed by the junk in their lives and begin the process of providing the proper filter. My hope is that Hamilton Village becomes a place of refuge for weary souls longing for a place to rest. May we keep our eyes open to the probability that we are surrounded by prospects that need a relationship with Jesus.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Meet the Sapps
Dustin and Shelley Sapp have been members of Northside since 2002. Dustin has served as a Deacon and both serve in the children’s ministry through our extended childcare service. Dustin and Shelley was also a part of our satellite strategy in Fishers in 2005. Dustin enjoys technology, hanging with friends, and watching UK sports. (N I T) Shelley is a professional scrapbooker, sewing extraordinaire and local bookworm.
The Sapps knew God had great things in store for Hamilton County when the North Campus got started. “Fishers is a young, growing, vibrant community that is screaming for God’s hand. Hamilton Village must be an integral part of that community through servant leadership. We can’t be a social group, a small “worship gathering”, or just a church. We have to be a part of Fishers – one that it depends on to see the Kingdom.” This mindset will allow Hamilton Village to plant other “villages”. Dustin and Shelley see Hamilton Village and Northside sharing a common goal in reaching Fishers – expanding the Kingdom. “There is no reason that shouldn’t be done with a dependence that makes the whole greater than the sum of its parts.” Paul said in Corinthians, “The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I don’t need you!’ And the head cannot say to the feet, ‘I don’t need you!’” Together, we can be the Body of Christ.
Dustin and Shelly have three children; Evan, Nate, and Elizabeth. On Fridays, we will pray for the Sapp family as they provide servant leadership in Fishers.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Meet the Morans

Jim and Vicki Moran have been married for 22 years. Jim is from the great cheese state of Wisconsin while Vicki is a Hoosier through and through. Being from Packerland, Jim is a die hard Packers fan and misses Brett Favre. You will often find Vicki sitting somewhere knitting a scarf, blanket, or American flag. (Can you say Betsy Ross) When the weather is nice you can find them on their motorcycle finding mom and pop eateries to recommend to the rest of us!
Vicki has been a member of Northside her whole life. She has been a member for 43 years while serving in various areas. Jim has been a member for the last 21 years. Recently they have been serving in the student ministry with camps, mission trips, Sunday School, and hosting a small group on Monday nights. Jim and Vicki love the Lord wholeheartedly and want to see His Kingdom expand. They posses a servants heart and mind with an uncanny ability to roll up their sleeves to do whatever is necessary. It was with childlike faith that they decided to accept God’s invitation to join Him in Hamilton County. Their years of ministry experience at Northside will translate to a wealth of wisdom, knowledge, and insight for Hamilton Village as we look to have an impact in the community. They are looking forward to having a place of worship in Fishers where Truth and relationships intersect.
Jim and Vicki have two sons. Michael is a sophomore at Purdue and Scott is wrapping up his senior year of high school and following his brother to West Lafayette. Pray for the Moran family on Thursdays as God transitions them to a new season of ministry.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Meet the Mayers
Mark and Jill Mayer have been members of Northside for the last nine years. Jill serves in the children’s ministry as a preschool teacher while Mark teaches junior high boys. Mark and Jill are very hospitable and hardly pass on a chance to host people and grill out on the back patio. Jill enjoys reading, being outside and being with family and friends. Mark lists eating out (nice), watching football, playing with his kids and scuba diving as his personal favorites.(Hard to find a good diving hole in Indiana)
The Mayers have a heart for people who need to know Jesus. They frequently lead a bible study in their neighborhood as a way to build community as well as share the Gospel. They have infectious personalities that cause people to be drawn to them. As they look forward to Hamilton Village, they desire to, “See us in a church facility with growth that could not be explained except only by God’s grace. We would love for it to be an irresistible place that draws people to Jesus so that we continue to face the issue of ‘so now where do we put all these people?’” Mark and Jill see Northside serving as a mentor church helping Hamilton Village to become its own separate entity. Jill’s confirmation to become a part of Hamilton Village came from 1 Corinthians 15:58, “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that you labor is not in vain.”
Mark and Jill have been married for almost ten years. They have two children; Simon and Anna. Please make praying for the Mayers on Wednesdays a weekly priority.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Introducing the Comers
Scott and Beth Comer have been a part of Northside for the past six years. Scott has served in the children’s ministry as well as a Deacon for the past couple of years. Beth also has served in the children’s ministry but also lends her voice to our Sunday morning praise team. Scott and Beth are from the blue state of Kentucky and are die hard Wildcat fans. (Should not be held against them.) Beth enjoys shopping, picture taking, and the arts while Scott is a working man’s man and loves to build and fix things (fixin’ if you are from KY).
The Comers enjoy worshipping together and especially like to see how God works. They have known for a while that God was leading them to be a part of Hamilton Village but was waiting for God to put all the pieces together. They are “stoked” (Beth’s exact word) to be a part of the new work. They envision God working in ways that could only be explained by the hand of God. Scott and Beth love Northside, the staff, and the church family. Northside helped them survive the experience of moving to a new place with no other family around. They see how the two churches will be able to work together to expand the Kingdom.
Scott and Beth have been married for ten years and have three children; Maddie, Will, and Wes. Join us on Tuesday’s to pray for the Comer family as they seek new ways to minister to the community of Fishers.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Introducing the Claggetts
Jason & Heather Claggett have been members of Northside for ten years. They have served in different capacities during their time at Northside in children’s ministry, student ministry, as well as being part of our satellite campus in 2005. Jason has a background in computers and technology while Heather has a background in music. Originally from Missouri, we share some common bonds; Cardinal baseball, Imo’s Pizza, and Ted Drew’s frozen custard. I knew there was something about them when I met them!
I have had the opportunity to serve with Jason and Heather over the past five years. They are hard workers who love the Lord and those who they are ministering too. Heather’s administrative gifting will be a huge asset to our early organization and Jason’s handle on technology with our computers and sound system will fill a huge need as we begin from the ground up. In their own words they said, “God has given us a desire for a change for some time and this was the opportunity to take all that we have learned from so many different ministries and use them to build something from the ground up.” When asked about the impact of Hamilton Village in the Fishers community the Claggetts responded, “We pray that it will reach many young families who are searching for faith to instill in their children.” They look forward to the day when Hamilton Village is busting at the seams; serving as a testimony to Northside’s passion of being a springboard to planting churches.
Jason and Heather have been married nearly 14 years and have two boys, Philip and Jeremiah. Join us on Monday’s as we pray for their family and their ministry opportunities in the Fishers Community.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Doppler Effect
There are not many sounds on the face of the earth that sound better than the puttering of your unborn child’s heart. The first time you hear that sound, it is exhilarating and breathtaking. There are a couple of reasons, many more I’m sure, for this excitement. First, the heartbeat means that development is coming along. The heart is working and beating and doing what the heart is supposed to do. The very beat represents life itself. Another reason it is breathtaking is that it represents new life…you ARE going to be a parent…this really IS happening! No one can wipe the smile off of your face!
As we continue to count down to our first service in September our heartbeat is beating faster and stronger too. We have confirmed all five families of our Leadership Team. Beginning next Monday, we are going to introduce them one family at a time per day. This introduction will serve as a reminder of how to pray for us as we continue to develop and lay the foundation for the future of God’s church.
Speaking of praying, we will be meeting this Sunday at 4 pm at my house to begin prayer walking the streets and neighborhoods of Fishers. We will divide up into seven teams to begin walking in the communities of the Leadership Team and Kelvyn and Tami Thompson, owners of Genesis Art Instruction. If you were not able to join us last month, our time of fellowship and praying was very refreshing.
My next area of focus is to begin meeting with sister churches who will covenant with us on this journey. These church partnerships may include prayer support, financial support, or even ministry teams. The ministry teams would come and serve on a weekend or week to prayer walk as much as Fishers as possible before September 20. The more we can get the body of Christ involved the stronger our network will be.
There is much to be joyful about. There is a lot to smile about. But our joy is not based on the work of God; it is founded in God, period. May we continue to rejoice in the Provider of all things!
As we continue to count down to our first service in September our heartbeat is beating faster and stronger too. We have confirmed all five families of our Leadership Team. Beginning next Monday, we are going to introduce them one family at a time per day. This introduction will serve as a reminder of how to pray for us as we continue to develop and lay the foundation for the future of God’s church.
Speaking of praying, we will be meeting this Sunday at 4 pm at my house to begin prayer walking the streets and neighborhoods of Fishers. We will divide up into seven teams to begin walking in the communities of the Leadership Team and Kelvyn and Tami Thompson, owners of Genesis Art Instruction. If you were not able to join us last month, our time of fellowship and praying was very refreshing.
My next area of focus is to begin meeting with sister churches who will covenant with us on this journey. These church partnerships may include prayer support, financial support, or even ministry teams. The ministry teams would come and serve on a weekend or week to prayer walk as much as Fishers as possible before September 20. The more we can get the body of Christ involved the stronger our network will be.
There is much to be joyful about. There is a lot to smile about. But our joy is not based on the work of God; it is founded in God, period. May we continue to rejoice in the Provider of all things!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Twenty Nine (For Real This Time)
Edgar Allen Poe once stated, “Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.” This quote captures my daily thoughts as we continue to move closer to September. Excitement may be an understatement too! I am continually amazed how God puts all the pieces together and allows me to participate. I had a pastor in my office this week of a church in McCordsville who feels the same sense of urgency and anticipation as I do. God is getting ready to do something incredible through His people and we just need to be ready, willing, and obedient to be on the front lines. The times are a changing and it is very exciting!
As I look at where we are now versus eleven weeks ago, God has done some pretty cool things in our early stages of development. By contrast, an eleven week old fetus has already developed toes, eyes, ears, fingernails, and lips. The body is coming together to carry out specific functions for growth and survival. Hamilton Village too is starting to take shape as a couple of core families have been identified. The leadership team will be essential for the growth and survival of the new church in the upcoming days and months. What each family brings to the group with spiritual gifts, abilities, and passion will serve as the vessels for the Holy Spirit to work and move in and around us.
I am reminded of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians when he reminds them that each has been blessed with a spiritual gift but not the same gift. How boring and detrimental! If we all possessed the same gift how would there be substantial growth? If the makeup of the church was the same, it would only attract those with that gift or those who potentially had that gift. And if they came to realize they didn’t have that gift, how would they fit in? That is why I think there is less likely a chance for unity if we all had the same gift, because we would be jockeying for the same tasks and trying to find relevance in the ministry. This is why Paul used the human body as an analogy in his teaching about spiritual gifts. It seems ridiculous for the ear to say to the mouth it is not needed or wanted. It seems absurd to think that the foot could say to the eye we don’t need you. The parts make up the whole and function as one body. I’m glad our bodies function the way they do, that each body part only does what the head/brain tells it to do. Unfortunately the body of Christ does not operate like this all the time. Personal preferences and opinions get in the way of unity and functionality. The body of Christ functions at its best when it is dialed in to the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the will and direction of the Father rather than individual preferences.
Hamilton Village’s functionality is what stirs within me. The tears of excitement that I find myself occasionally wiping away are from a sensitive soul that appreciates the development I see and knowing what is at stake and how eternal all of this really is. It really is a thing of beauty to watch God work in a way that can only be explained as the working of God through the Holy Spirit. And just think we are still twenty-nine weeks away from our first service.
As I look at where we are now versus eleven weeks ago, God has done some pretty cool things in our early stages of development. By contrast, an eleven week old fetus has already developed toes, eyes, ears, fingernails, and lips. The body is coming together to carry out specific functions for growth and survival. Hamilton Village too is starting to take shape as a couple of core families have been identified. The leadership team will be essential for the growth and survival of the new church in the upcoming days and months. What each family brings to the group with spiritual gifts, abilities, and passion will serve as the vessels for the Holy Spirit to work and move in and around us.
I am reminded of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians when he reminds them that each has been blessed with a spiritual gift but not the same gift. How boring and detrimental! If we all possessed the same gift how would there be substantial growth? If the makeup of the church was the same, it would only attract those with that gift or those who potentially had that gift. And if they came to realize they didn’t have that gift, how would they fit in? That is why I think there is less likely a chance for unity if we all had the same gift, because we would be jockeying for the same tasks and trying to find relevance in the ministry. This is why Paul used the human body as an analogy in his teaching about spiritual gifts. It seems ridiculous for the ear to say to the mouth it is not needed or wanted. It seems absurd to think that the foot could say to the eye we don’t need you. The parts make up the whole and function as one body. I’m glad our bodies function the way they do, that each body part only does what the head/brain tells it to do. Unfortunately the body of Christ does not operate like this all the time. Personal preferences and opinions get in the way of unity and functionality. The body of Christ functions at its best when it is dialed in to the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the will and direction of the Father rather than individual preferences.
Hamilton Village’s functionality is what stirs within me. The tears of excitement that I find myself occasionally wiping away are from a sensitive soul that appreciates the development I see and knowing what is at stake and how eternal all of this really is. It really is a thing of beauty to watch God work in a way that can only be explained as the working of God through the Holy Spirit. And just think we are still twenty-nine weeks away from our first service.
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