Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Thrity one is just a number, however, in the development process of a baby, there are some significant things taking place. For instance, the baby weighs in at one gram, yet is very active and moving around. All the major organs, muscles, and nerves are in place and beginning to function at their young capacity. Fingers, eyelids, and the tonuge are visible and taking shape for their future functions that will assist in the new babies senses. There is a lot of activity that cannot be seen, however, the developmental process is taking place.

Likewise, there have been some developmental steps taken in the past week as Hamilton Village takes shape. The biggest news has been identifying the location for us to begin to meet. I have not been actively seeking a location yet due to my timeline and making sure our foundation is secure and set. However, when God is ready to move, you just get up and move. Genesis Art Instruction is an art studio in Fishers. Kelvyn and Tami are believers who have faithfully and obediently followed God's direction and vision for this studio. God has blessed them with art students and a space to use their facilities for the community. We have met with them a couple of times regarding the use of their facilities. God has not closed this door so we are walking by faith that this will be the future home of Hamilton Village. Genesis Art Instruction is located down the street from HSE High School and near 116th Street. Thousands of people drive by this location daily and we feel this will be a great location for us to anchor down for what God is wanting to do in Hamilton County. In fact, we are going to host our first prayer summit there on Sunday at 4 PM.

I am continually amazed at how God works out all of these details. I am humbled by the fact that He has chosen me to be part of something so extrodinary. I am giddy and excited about the potential impact God can have in lives of those around us if we would just be still long enough to hear His invitation to join Him in what He is doing around us. Good is good!

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